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Rick and Morty

Created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, Rick and Morty is a hilarious sitcom which originally aired on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. The series follows the mad scientist, Rick Sanchez, and his grandson Morty Smith, in an amusing rollercoaster ride of adventures. Starring Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer and Sarah Chalke as the voice actors, the series originally debuted on December 2, 2013. Including elements of science fiction, the series was actually based off of a parody movie of Back to the Future that Justin Roiland created. Impressed by his work, Cartoon Network eventually announced that Roiland and Harmon would create a series based off of the parody film. The series is quickly becoming a favorite for those who love Adult Swim, and it has received widespread acclaim by critics and fans of the cult series. Inspired by other famous cartoon sitcom series, the artwork of the show bears resemblance to some of the beloved characters from The Simpsons. Since the release of Rick and Morty, there have been numerous references to the series in popular culture, along with the release of comics, video games and video mashups from Adult Swim. Sorry, Szechuan sauce not included, but you can hang this Rick and Morty poster on the wall of your kitchen while you make a batch of your own! Fans of Rick and Morty will love our collection of geeky gift ideas from Nerd Kung Fu.

Rick and Morty T-Shirts and Posters