Playstation 4: Things You Didn’t Know About Horizon Zero Dawn
Posted by Jade Nicolette on 27th Feb 2017
The highly anticipated release for Sony’s latest RPG release, Horizon: Zero Dawn, is almost upon us. For Playstation fans, time can’t seem to move fast enough. While the upcoming debut for the Nintendo Switch and Zelda: Breath of the Wild is at the forefront of everyone’s minds, gamers also can’t wait to get their hands on Horizon: Zero Dawn. With expansive open worlds and action-packed RPG gameplay, some reviewers are already heralding it as the best game of the year. Developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, Horizon Zero Dawn is a role-playing game that's available exclusively for Playstation 4. If you’re still not completely sold, we decided to take a closer look at what the critics are saying about the game. Here are some things you didn’t know about Horizon Zero Dawn.
The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world—but it’s a far cry from Mad Max or Hunger Games. The story follows a young orphan woman named Aloy, who is an outcast from her tribe, and stars as the main protagonist of the game. According to Gamerant, the game director, Mathijs de Jonge, cites inspiration from Sigourney Weaver’s character Ellen Ripley from Aliens and Ygritte from the hit fantasy favorite, Game of Thrones. When it comes to ladies in gaming, we've seen strong female leads pave the way. Few can forget legendary characters like Jill Valentine or Claire Redfield from Resident Evil, and Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. Horizon: Zero Dawn looks to be no exception, featuring a patriarchal tribal society and a seriously tough leading woman with Aloy.
According to IGN, Horizon: Zero Dawn's combat is the best aspect of the game, and there are at least 26 different species of animal and machine hybrids to keep gamers busy. In terms of gameplay, Horizon: Zero Dawn draws a close comparison to similar titles like Far Cry Primal and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but remains distinctly unique. While playing as Aloy, you'll face robotic monsters along the likes of Snapmaws, or machine-like crocodiles, and Ravagers, a series of fearsome mecha tigers. Players will learn the ropes from a tribal man named Rost, who teaches Aloy how to fight for survival. Gamers can upgrade Aloy’s weaponry, by boosting up her arsenal with a wide array of tools and traps to fight back against the mechanical creatures.
If you’re a fan of monster movies or fantastic beasts, you’ll appreciate the open world of Horizon: Zero Dawn. Many reviews have praised the awe-inspiring cinematography found in the game, at times resembling Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park. Fans of classic movies like King Kong or Planet of the Apes will certainly be delighted by the expansive world found in Horizon: Zero Dawn. Ready to get moving? Check out Polygon for a complete Horizon: Zero Dawn beginner’s guide to help you get started on your quest.
If you’ve already pre-ordered the game, you can already preload it now. Horizon Zero Dawn will be available exclusively for PlayStation 4 at midnight EST and 9pm PT on Tuesday, February 28, 2017.
Written by Jade Nicolette
Twitter: @nicolette_style