Rogue One: 4 Things We Learned About Cassian Andor and K-2S0
Posted by Jade Nicolette on 30th Dec 2016
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story made history by being the first standalone film in the franchise, and it certainly has been generating major buzz at the box office. According to Variety, Rogue One has topped $318.2 million in the U.S. alone and over $573.8 million worldwide. It’s clear that the film has been a wild success, and we decided to round up a new little-known facts about the latest Star Wars odd couple, Cassian and K-2SO. Bold and brave, Cassian Andor is a rebel captain who is forced to come to terms with several heavy decisions in Rogue One.
1. Cassian actually reformatted K-2SO
Affectionately known as Kay or Kay-too, K-2SO works directly with Cassian and the Rebel Alliance, but the droid has a past with the Empire. Because of his previous experience as an Imperial security droid, K-2SO is a useful asset to the Rebel Alliance. In Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, we get a better sense of his special skill set, which includes navigating Imperial networks and finding ways around restricted data. Kay gets his name from being a KX-series security droid, originally constructed on the planet called Vulpter by Arakyd Industries. Cassian was the one to reformat the droid, which effectively removed the previous programming set by the Imperials. His work was a success, but with one drawback—the droid is the definition of #nofilter and is brutally honest about all of his observations. The two definitely have a hilarious dynamic, reminding us of Han and Chewie from the classic trilogy. Can’t get enough of Kay-Tuesso? Be sure to check out our Star Wars Rogue One K-2SO Women’s Tank Top!
2. He’s basically the James Bond of Star Wars
Working for the Rebel Alliance all of his life, the 26-year-old soldier has completed missions ranging from espionage to assassination. Born on the planet Fest, Andor has had at least four different aliases during his time with the Rebel Alliance. His full name might be Cassian Jeron Andor, but he’s also temporarily taken on aliases like Willix, Aach and Joreth Sward. In Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, we learn a little more about these operational aliases. Willix refers to when he posed as a government agent on Ord Mantell, while Aach was used for acting as a contact for a senator on Darknell. While undercover, he was known as Joreth Sward when he was assisting Imperial Admiral Grendreef.
3. Cassian might be featured in Star Wars Rebels
Cassian Andor also helped the Rebel Alliance with recruitment in the Albarrio sector, and went under the codename of “Fulcrum”. We've heard of others from the Rebel Alliance also using the same codename in Star Wars Rebels on Disney XD. Anakin Skywalker’s former apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, and Imperial defector Agent Kallus also went incognito as "Fulcrum". Could we see a young Cassian Andor appearing in Star Wars Rebels soon? It’s certainly a possibility! Get recruiting with this Join the Rebellion Star Wars tshirt.
4. Actors Diego Luna and Alan Tudyk shared some serious facetime
When filming Rogue One, Alan Tudyk had to wear a tight bodysuit for the motion-capture process of his robotic character. As if that wasn’t particularly challenging enough, most of the scenes required Tudyk to wear a set of sky-high stilts as well. With Alan towering above his costars at seven feet, things were bound to get a little out of hand. On the Conan show, Luna shared humorous stories about how he struggled to keep a straight face on set. With witty one-liners, Tudyk is laugh-out-loud hilarious, but Luna had other reasons to crack up… mainly because he was always eye level with his crotch. We can’t even begin to imagine the hilarious blooper reel on the horizon!
Born in Mexico City, heartthrob Diego Luna is the second actor of Latino descent to land a lead role in a Star Wars film. Last year, Guatemalan-American actor Oscar Isaac played the rebel pilot Poe Dameron in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Need more Star Wars apparel in your life? Capture the Death Star plans with this tough-looking Rogue One tee.
Written by Jade Nicolette
Twitter: @nicolette_style