
Star Wars Jedi Who Need More Screen Time

Posted by Jade Nicolette on 26th Oct 2016

When it comes to the Star Wars saga, we’re only given a glimpse of Jedi other than Obi Wan, Luke and Yoda. Sure, you could possibly count Qui Gon Jinn and Anakin in his pre-Vader days, but there’s still so much more that could be fleshed out. In the animated series called The Clone Wars, Lucasfilm expanded on some of the other Jedi that weren’t given much shine in the films. Here’s our roundup of Star Wars Jedi that need more screen time.

Kit Fisto

Although a lesser known Jedi, Kit Fisto is certainly one of the coolest. With large eyes and a slew of dreadlock-inspired tentacles, Kit is a Nautolan species who thrives underwater on his home planet, Glee Anselm. You might remember spotting him during the Battle of Geonosis in Episode II, where he gave everyone a laugh after using the Force to push C3P0 into a pile of decimated battle droids. Kit originally wielded a green lightsaber and showed off his combat skills briefly in Episode III. Accompanying Mace Windu, the Jedi went to Palpatine's office to arrest him, but were tragically killed by the Sith Lord. Fans were able to see more of Kit Fisto in action more frequently in The Clone Wars. For more on Kit Fisto, check out 10 Interesting Facts about Kit Fisto from Star Wars Explained.

Aayla Secura

It wouldn’t be right to mention Kit Fisto without also shedding some light on Aayla Secura. The Twi'lek Jedi Master was also given a quick cameo in Episode II, but with a character this bad ass, it certainly wasn't enough. Originally from Ryloth, Secura held a blue lightsaber which matched the bold bright hue of her skin. In Episode III, she was shown as one of the Jedi who were killed during the execution of all Jedi during Order 66. Her master was Quinlan Vos, and he was known for being somewhat of a maverick with a tendency to bend the rules. With his wild, almost tribal like style, Vos another top pick that we’d love to see in future work.

Luminara Unduli deserves a mention here, who was well known for being a powerful Jedi Master. With light green skin and facial markings, Luminara was a Mirialan female. She played a big part in The Clone Wars, often commanding missions and 

Luminara Unduli

working together with Master Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Luminara trained a padawan called Barriss Offee, who was also a Mirialan female. Barriss was a good friend of Ahsoka Tano, the padawan of Anakin Skywalker, until the very end of the series where the tables were turned. Careful! I’m going to venture into spoiler territory, so if you’d like the last part of The Clone Wars to be spoiler free, jump ahead to the next paragraph. In a whirlwind of events, Barriss framed Ahsoka for bombing the Jedi temple. Barriss felt that the Jedi had chosen a path of violence, and she voiced her unruly protest by bombing the temple itself. Ahsoka was wrongly accused for the crime, and in turn, was expelled from the Jedi order. When they later discovered that Barriss was the culprit, they gave Ahsoka the choice to return, but she refused.

Ahsoka Tano, who we mentioned previously, definitely deserves more screen time. Initially, many fans protested the idea of Anakin having a padawan during the beginning of The Clone Wars series, but she’s grown to be a beloved character over time. Written by E. K. Johnston, Star Wars Ahsoka recently hit shelves and explores the character’s fate after the end of The Clone Wars series. Ahsoka has also appeared on the new television series, Star Wars Rebels, playing a pivotal part in the rebellion against the Empire. Tano faced off against her former master, Darth Vader, in a grandiose season finale of season two. Although her fate remains unknown, we would be ecstatic to see more Ahsoka in action on the silver screen someday.

While we only touched on a few of our favorites, there’s a plethora of Jedi who deserve more screen time. With new developments of a possible live action television show in the works, and with Star Wars Rebels exploring season 3, there’s always the possibility of seeing one of these Jedi again.

Written by Jade Nicolette

Twitter: @nicolette_style