
Horror nerds the world over love the Sam Raimi classic is one of the cheesiest, funniest, and awesome Army of Darkness. Or, as it's actually titled, Bruce Campbell vs. Army of Darkness. Here at Nerd Kung Fu, we say Hail to the King, Baby! We love this horror-comedy classic so much that we scoured the internet to bring together this carefully curated collection of Army of Darkness t-shirts. Our Army of Darkness shirts come printed in full-color on the highest quality, 100% cotton fabric, and in many sizes, styles, and colors for you to choose from. All of our badass shirts feature Ash and his boomstick, the Necronomicon, and the titular army of Deadites and come in vintage and modern designs. When it comes to horror films, this one starring Bruce Campbell is still one of the most entertaining horror classics even after all these years. At Nerd Kung Fu, we curated this collection so that our fellow horror nerds could have their favorite moments of Bruce from the film with them everywhere they go.

Army of Darkness T-Shirts