
Chaos, Panic & Disorder T-Shirt



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Printed on demand - Usually ships in 7-10 business days.


Click here for more Crazy People t-shirts.

Some words are just automatic triggers for me. Chaos is one of them. As soon as I hear the word chaos I immediately start talking about chaos theory. In a nutshell, it is about finding the overlying patterns in chaos; or, in other words, it is all about my life.

I am upon the surface pretty disorganized. However, under it all is a pretty structured organization that I like to think keeps me on track. My office may look like a tornado filled with random junk runs through it once an hour, but in a weird way I can find pretty much anything I need. It comes from accepting the chaos and learning to work with it, not against it. All things tend towards chaos. I find I get farther swimming at an angle to it rather than directly upstream like most type A's.

I get organized when it really counts, however. My t-shirt inventory system is really well organized to allow us to get shirts out ASAP.

Chaos Theory is also a movie from 2008 so good it went straight to video. It stars slacker pretty boy Ryan Reynolds, who has been cast to play Hal Jordan in the upcoming Green Lantern. Don't screw it up, man.

Weird. I just found out Ryan Reynolds middle name is Rodney. What kind of sadistic, inbred parent gives their kid three of the same letters at initials? You might as well call him Richard Hertz or Snooky Boobooface. Some names should just not be used. Check out this blurb about the worst baby name ever. I can't say I disagree.

Maybe Ryans parents were trying to toughen him up, a la A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash. From what I can tell it don't really work. He kind of strikes me as sort of a wiener, which does not bode well for the upcoming GL movie IMO. Wasn't Hal Jordan a war hero?

Anyway, back onto this shirt. It seems putting Chaos and Disorder on in the list of negativity you just caused a bit redundant. Panic seems a natural reaction (for certain fairly of boring types of people) to Chaos/Disorder, so I don't know if it needs to be on here as well. However, I don't know if "Chaos. My work here is done" would deliver the message as clearly.

Ugh. What is with the word Chaos and bad Hollywood. Chaos is a movie starring Wesley Snipes and Jason Stratham that also went straight to video. How do some production companies stay afloat?

That's it for this shirt. I have three huge orders sitting waiting to be received. I don't think I will ever catch up on all these shirts.


August 28th, 2010

Click here for all body styles available with this graphic.


  • Grey heather T shirt
  • Standard 18/1 thickness material
  • 100% cotton
  • Large fit

Sizing Chart for Chaos, Panic & Disorder T-Shirt TRV-ATA1145-AT

Chaos, Panic & Disorder T-Shirt

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