
Family Ties

Family Ties was a good example of youth revolt in reverse; young son Alex Keaton (the great Micheal J. Fox of course) rebelling against his hippie baby boomer parents by becoming a young Republican.  This made for a very interesting show and also explored the cultural divide between the 60s and the 80s.  

Of course the actors playing the kids are what made the show.  Of course Michael J. Fox is great but so is the amazing Justine Bateman and multi talented Tina Yothers (who was also in a band called Jaded.  She also wrote a a book called Being Your Best: Tina Yother's Guide for Girls).  Fox was funny, Justine was funny (and hot) and Tina played the perfect wisecracking joke closer for the whole family.  

Fans of Family Ties and Young Republicans will enjoy these great t-shirts, hoodies, long sleeves, and tank tops in mens and womens styles. Grab one today.

Family Ties T-Shirts

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