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Wow. This is like a starving man coming across a huge shipment of prunes. It will satisfy you and keep you alive, but in a few hours you will really regret eating them. I am really at a loss about what I should write.
Sigh. I guess it is inevitable that the first thing I would come across has to be an actual He Man Woman Haters Club. This is a band, I think. Normally I end with the band but for this I will start, I guess. In fact, here's another HMWH band. I don't want to cast any aspersions on the genre but both of these bands look like they are punk rock (unless they are the same band. It's hard to tell sometimes). I guess a lot of punkers have mother issues.
Weird. is a website dedicated to gift baskets somehow. For the record misogamy is a hatred of marriage, not women. Misogyny is hatred of women, but is nothing.
My timing on writing this description couldn't be more apropos as misogymists have a new patron saint in the form of Mel Gibson. Check out his rant on Radaronline. Disturbingly funny. It's too bad he seems to be torpedoing his own career, as I have always been a huge fan of Mad Max/Road Warrior (we won't talk about Thunderdome, thank you), not to mention Lethal Weapon. Also if you want to be insanely depressed watch him in Gallipoli. In spite of getting a huge 86% on Rotten Tomatoes and being in its own way a great movie, I wanted to kill myself at the end of it. I guess that could be the sign of a great film.
But I digress. Back to the He Man Woman Haters Club. I found a great site called the Art of Manliness. It's a site dedicated to being manly. Seems like that is an activity in serious decline these days. I'm not talking about sexual orientation so much as behaving like you have a Y chromosome. The best part is probably this list of 45 Manly Hobbies. I can't say as I partake in many of these, but I like building models and bowling, so there are two. I also found this blog calledManly Men of Manliness. It doesn't seem to have the class that the first site has, but still entertaining.
I found a great Test of Manliness too. I don't know how accurate it really is, but if you are truly honest and don't just give the answers you want women see you give, then you should score pretty well.
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- Charcoal T shirt
- Standard 18/1 (AT) thickness material
- 100% cotton not pre shrunk
- Large fit
- Officially Licensed
Little Rascals He Man Woman Hater's Club T-Shirt
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