
Normal People Worry Me T-Shirt



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Printed on demand - Usually ships in 7-10 business days.


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I would say this is a pretty fair assessment of my attitude towards "normal" people. Normal people tend to accept things. Normal people thought slavery was cool hundreds of years ago. Normal people supported Hitler. Normal people thought disco was cool. Odds are 100 years from now what normal people are cool with today will seem as abnormal and freakish as possible. That is my only real hope for the ultimate fate of reality TV.

If you are wondering if you are normal or not I found a pretty cool page that asks questions about what is normal or not. The questions are pretty funny. I think a lot of the people answering are really not being honest or truly thinking about it, as most of the results never seem to exceed 70% in one direction or another.

Here is a blog that has detailed instructions on How to Be Normal. I am naturally suspicious of those who tell you what is normal. The thing is, no one wakes up in the morning, looks in the mirror, and says "I'm weird" (really, it took years of people telling me that to my face before I came to terms with my weirdness). Everyone thinks they are normal and that anyone who is not like them is weird. It's entirely possible the guy writing this blog has been brushing his teeth with Purell and because his family and friends do it thinks it perfectly normal. You only realized you are a freak when you are surrounded by different people, which is why comic book and game conventions are so popular. It's the one time you can be surrounded by hundreds of people and not feel like an alien.

On the other hand, you don't hear about a lot of "normal" people turning into the Unabomber. The strangest people are often times both the most entertaining and dangerous people, so I guess it is understandable that normal people are somewhat fearful.

I am proud of the fact that most "normal" t-shirt selling sites never put more than a line or two in the description, if that much. Normal sucks.

August 29th, 2010

Click here for all body styles available with this graphic.


  • Charcoal T shirt
  • Standard 18/1 thickness material
  • 100% cotton not pre shrunk
  • Large fit

Sizing Chart for Normal People Worry Me T-Shirt TRV-ATA1296-AT

Normal People Worry Me T-Shirt

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