
The Mod Squad

Considered by many to be "the coolest show on TV" was actually created by a cop from the LAPD based on his work in undercover narcotics.  It was produced by Aaron Spelling and more than 8 years from initial script to production.  

Peggy Lipton, the blonde from the show, later married Quincy Jones the producer for the great Michael Jacksons Thriller, Bad, and Off the Wall albums.  She is also the mother of Rashida Jones from Parks & Rec.  She also released her own psychedelic soft rock album self titled Peggy Lipton.  If you get a chance check out Stoney End.  However even more cool than that from our perspective is that Clarance Williams from the Mod Squad played the Jem'Hadar Omet'iklan on Star Trek Deep Space Nine.  You don't get cooler than that.  

Naturally there was a remake in 1999 but it flopped, only earning $15 million.  

If you pay close attention to the premier episode The Teeth of the Barracuda you just might see a familiar face in Harrison Ford of Han Solo fame.  He plays a uniformed LAPD officer.  If all this sounds cool or you are just a huge fan of the Mod Squad grab one of these great shirts today.  

The Mod Squad T-Shirts

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